7 Advantages of iPhone 6 Plus in landscape mode No split screen, yet, and iKeywi is still pretty imperfect. I upgraded my Air, and while I don’t feel TOO bad about it, I do miss Activator and LastApp and Auxo. I will be jailbreaking asap for sure. The worst thing about the custom keyboards of ios 8 is
Grayscale Mode in iOS 8: Proof That the Next iPhone Will Sport an AMOLED Display? « iOS Gadget Hacks Grayscale Mode in iOS 8: Proof That the Next iPhone Will Sport an AMOLED Display? Battery life is and most likely always will be an issue with iPhones and other smartphones and tablets, but Apple is making it easier for us to save juice when we need to. T
iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Plus Landscape Mode - YouTube A look at the features enabled by the new landscape mode in iOS 8 on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. Some features are specific to the iPhone 6 Plus which ha...
Enable “Kid Mode” on iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch with Guided Access in iOS Enable “Kid Mode” on iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch with Guided Access in iOS ... Yes this is true, but if you use screen orientation lock it won’t be a problem. Most of the time you just put a game or book with a kid and they stay in landscape mode.
How To Enable Landscape Mode In Settings App On iPhone | Redmond Pie When it comes to apps rotating to support the different orientations of the device, then there is definitely split opinion on what the default behavior should be. A lot of users seem to think that all iOS apps should seamlessly rotate to support the devic
ios7 - force landscape ios 7 - Stack Overflow 2013年9月30日 - force landscape ios 7. No problem. ... I've tried to following methods to force landscape on one my views: .... iOS - Force Landscape Orientation.
Landscape Mode ONLY for iPhone or iPad - Stack Overflow 2010年4月15日 - edit the plist to only support landscape, then make sure that in every uiviewcontroller/uitabbar etc., in the shouldAutoRotateToInterfaceOrientation , the ...
Force iOS app to launch in landscape mode - Stack Overflow 2012年1月20日 - I am developing an app for iOS 5, which have to run in landscape ... In your application's Info.plist file, add the UIInterfaceOrientation key and set ...
iOS 8 Landscape : apple - Reddit 2014年9月13日 - My theory is that the landscape mode feature in iOS 8 is being used as promotional point to market the 6+, since the added information in ...
How to Lock Landscape Mode for iPhone - Snapguide It is easy to lock rotation in portrait mode, but difficult in landscape mode, screen will rotate to portrait mode when rotation lock is enabled. Here's how. by ...